Thursday, November 04, 2010

Political Gridlock

Now that the Republicans have taken control of the House of Representatives and brought a larger representation to the Senate, there is one thing we can be certain of for the next two years.
The combination of Obama's leftist idealism and the hyper-partisan ism of the Democrats and Republicans dooms our political system to grind down to a halt.
As I search my mind, I just cannot conceive of any of these current political actors "reaching out" or "compromising' in any true sense of the meaning of those terms.
Yes, it's true that they are telling us that they will "come to the center" to get needed legislation passed but who believes their words anymore? The public is jaded and has such a low opinion of the political class in total that their words now carry the same weight as used-car salesmen. My apologies to used-car salesmen.
Hope springs eternal, however, and I'm going to be looking for those brave few exceptions in the political arena to "just do their job" and rediscover the true meaning of compromise. Compromise, when one thinks about it, is really the only tool at their disposal to accomplish their sworn official duties.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Frank Partisan said...

You are correct.

Obama can start campaigning for 2012, just like Clinton did with the GOP midterm win. What other model?

What is different, is that there is less room to maneuver. The space gets smaller, as the crisis continues.

Even with Obama, there will be savage cuts to safety nets.

Watch currency speculation and the battles to get other countries to raise rates. Maybe the next bubble.

sonia said...

Gridlock, for lack of a better word, is good! Gridlock is right! Gridlock works! Gridlock clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit....

After 2 years of Pelosi, gridlock is what doctor ordered...

roman said...


Some safety nets need to be made smaller. This economy can no longer support cradle to grave total security. The USA is entering a new economic age and we need to adjust to it. Quality of life is NOT an ever-increasing natural phenomena. We have peaked and from now on it's downhill. The poor and disadvantaged are already experiencing it. It will take a little time for the middle class and the rich to come to this realization.

roman said...


You're right! When Congress is not in session, the folks breathe a sigh of relief!
It is true that when political gridlock occurs, the government can at least do no more damage than it has already done.
This gridlock is unsustainable, however, because there are vital matters of security and urgent national concerns which ultimately need to be addressed.

Frank Partisan said...

Gridlock has its place, if based on principle. Your not going to get that with Democrats.

Roman: Do you want to cut Social Security?

roman said...


Roman: Do you want to cut Social Security?

The Obama administration has already started to cut benefits with the decision not to make a COLA last two years. With the Fed's plan to soon start printing of new large amounts of dollars, economists are predicting another 20% decrease in the value of the dollar in the next two years. Add it all up and the answer has been made moot by current political decisions. The bottom line: Seniors on social security will need to get by with a 25% (approx)cut by 2012 in their monthly check value. It's happening whether we like it or not.

Frank Partisan said...

Both sides due to the world economic crisis, have less room to maneuver. The space keeps shrinking. It's not the days, you can buy people with perks.